

some gallery visitors find fiery hell

in russet swirls but I see dust near Kokomo

where gardens highways tombstones glare

red clouds pervade parched August air

hang dance in sunbeams and disappear


mammals wear features human faces blur

brittle glacial blue no world ends

in ice instead of hell or paradise a circus tent

pitched on dusty stubble empty town

songless birds and elephants slow down


shadow women cling to edges never know

poets in their El Dorado circus clowing

high trapezes open cages bareback lust

elephants remember perfect nonsense

searching women's faces birds fall into dust


JoAnne Growney-- December 2003


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"Blue Ladies and Elephants"

acrylic/sand/canvas -- 1995

by Florence Putterman

by Florenc e                                  Putterman




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